The Big Picture

At Marine Mind, we are passionate about fostering awareness and education on the vital importance of marine life. The ocean, home to a diverse array of interconnected species, plays a crucial role in regulating Earth’s climate and supporting life. Understanding this balance is essential for preserving biodiversity and protecting species in ways that are sustainable and locally attuned.

Education for Everyone

Through educational programs, conferences, and other outreach efforts, we discuss the intricate biology of marine ecosystems and their critical role in maintaining planetary health. We gather research and knowledge from our advisory board and interdisciplinary group of volunteers, speaking at schools, conferences, public events, and similar forums. We provide information about the interconnectedness of oceans with climate regulation, global ecosystems, and human and non-human well-being in mind.

We emphasize collaboration and knowledge-building alongside ocean custodians, leveraging their valuable local insights into marine species behavior, seasonal patterns, and sustainable practices. This wisdom guides us in finding long-term solutions for sustainable practices and policies, ensuring that local communities are heard.

Furthermore, our oceans are a testimony to Earth’s interconnectedness, impacting ecosystems globally. Understanding the interconnectedness of marine environments fosters a sense of global responsibility to encourage collaborative efforts in addressing issues such as plastic pollution, climate change, and habitat degradation.

School Programs

In 2023, Sebastian started visiting schools in the vicinity of Hvaldimir’s habitat. He continues to provide free educational seminars to students, combining his expertise in scientific communication with hands-on experience acquired from working with Hvaldimir. These talks aim to ignite children’s interest in marine life. We do so by introducing essential concepts about marine ecosystems with audio and video recordings of whale vocalizations, and teaching the audience about the ways marine life is impacted by climate change and ocean degradation, and what opportunities exist that can help turn these trajectories. 

Marine Mind’s educational program caters to students of all ages, ensuring that an ever-increasing number of individuals can access information about Hvaldimir and other marine creatures. 

Due to increased pressure on our oceans, it is more crucial than ever to safeguard marine ecosystems and their species. Hvaldimir has come to inadvertently serve as an ambassador for marine life, and through people’s fascination with him as an individual, Marine Mind is part of creating a platform and community set for enhanced learning and understanding about marine species and the sea.

Educating Visitors

Countless individuals have had the unique opportunity to encounter Hvaldimir, ranging from small groups to over 300 people. These encounters serve as a distinct platform to share knowledge about Hvaldimir and other marine species. The people we meet are often filled with curiosity and an eagerness to learn about the ocean. These interactions occur often, with peak engagement leading our team to talk with hundreds of people in a single day. 

In practical terms, whales play a vital role in the intricate cycle that transfers nutrients throughout the food chain, from the depths of the ocean to its surface, and vice-versa. As keystone species, they serve as indicators of the overall health, or lack thereof, of entire marine ecosystems.

The Numbers

Estimated population reach since November 2023. Updated in July 2024.

The Outcome of our Efforts

From our experience in schools and working on-site, people exhibit more responsible behavior and greater care around Hvaldimir after having the opportunity to learn about him and other marine life.

Educating people in the field also illuminated incidents where children were strongly engaged, acquired a sense of agency, and furthermore, encouraged their parents to learn more about the ocean. Our field team working on-site and engaging with the public has developed a heightened interest in whales by locals. 

Over a two-year timeframe, Sebastian alone has educated over 15,000 visitors who have sought out Hvaldimir in their local community, many of which are children. In a one-year period, we have addressed over 2,100 students in schools.

Get in Touch!

If you would like us to speak at your school, event, or seminar, get in touch below!